


Backstory: A town of foreign marriages
By Simon Montlake | Correspondent of The Christian Science Monitor

SHIHDING, TAIWAN – From theb_______①street outside, Tsai Huang-jin's one-room noodle shop looks like any other no-nonsenseeatery[1]in this tiny village.

(1)But to the Vietnamese wives in this mountain town, it offers a taste of home: iced coffee blended with sweetened milk, chased by a steaming bowl of Vietnamese soup.It's where they go to relax and share stories of married life in Taiwan.

Over the past decade, 187 sons of Shihding (population: 7,800) have brought home a foreign bride, part of a wave of marriages that is reshaping Taiwan's demographics.__________________.(对于外埠新娘们来说,这不失为一个摆脱贫困的好办法。)

Last year, 1 in 5 marriages in Taiwan were to a foreigner. Most were to women from Mainland China, Vietnam, and other Southeast Asian countries who met their husbands through marriageb_______②.Dozens of agencies in Taiwan offer foreign tours for men to pick a bride. Since 1987, Taiwan has registered more than 370,000 marriages to foreigners.

(2)In recent decades, Taiwan's expanding economy has absorbed a female workforce that is increasingly educated and assertive[2].Women are delaying getting married - the average bride is 29 - and having fewer children.

As a result, fewer women want to marry into traditional families in rural towns like Shihding. Childless men are instead traveling overseas to find a bride who will keep house and bear children withoutc_______③.

Once in Taiwan, foreign brides must contend with culture shock, family politics, and social isolation, as well as homesickness. (3)Some struggle to send money home to their families, often rebuffed[3] by their husbands who control the purse strings.

(4)Friction between foreign brides and their extended families is common, particularly if they don't speak a common language.By one estimate, 40 percent of the marriages break down within five years.

[1]eatery n.餐馆,食堂
[2]assertive adj.断定的,过分自信的
[3]rebuff v.回绝

wedding(the ceremony at which people get married)婚礼
bride(the woman who is getting married)新娘
bridegroom/groom(the man who is getting married)新郎
the best man(a friend of the groom, who helps him and gives a speech)男傧相
bridesmaid(a woman or girl who helps the bride)女傧相
matron of honor(a married woman who helps the bride on her wedding day)首席伴娘(已婚)
reception(the meal after the wedding)婚礼后的宴会
honeymoon(the holiday that people go on after they get married)蜜月
hen night(BrE)/bridal shower(AmE)(a party before the wedding for the bride)婚礼前为新娘举行的聚会
stag night(BrE)/bachelor party(AmE)(a party before the wedding for the groom)婚礼前为新郎举行的聚会,只限男子,不带女伴
propose(to ask someone to marry you)求婚
get engaged(to formally aGREe to marry each other)订婚

①From theb_______street outside(从熙熙攘攘的大街上看)
②through marriageb_______(通过婚姻介绍所)
③keep house and bear children withoutc_______(心甘情愿操持家务和生儿育女)


①busy ②brokers ③complaint



参考译文:For the foreign brides, it’s a path out of poverty.(是不是您的翻译与原文相去甚远,这不奇怪,同一意思表达方式成千上万,只要您愿意尝试学习作者的用法,您就达到学习的目的了。)

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